Sunday, February 10, 2013

14 Days of Love: Day One: Mason Joel Lynn

  On Thursday night, January 31st, we made the journey back to hospital with more contractions.  I had just been released from the hospital that previous Monday dilated to 4 1/2 cm to go home on further bed rest instructions.  I knew from that point on it was only a matter of hours before we met our second child.  Well, I made it two days.  We followed the drill and once getting to the hospital were still unaware where this visit would lead us.  We were greeted in the triage area of the Labor and Delivery ward with one of our favorite nurses that we had just met and been treated by the week before.  She knew my story as well as the drill and needed no further explanation (which after having to tell my story  each and every time I had to go back to go the hospital, not having to repeat it again was a huge blessing).  After getting set up on the monitors and further observation, we discovered that I had further dilated to 6 cm and a call went into my doctor.   It was at that point that Michael and I both knew whether this baby came within the next 24 hours or two weeks, I was going to have to ride it out in the hospital (there was no way my doctor was going to let me leave being that far dilated). Our nurse came back in and said, this is it, your going to Labor and delivery and we are going to further monitor and ride it out from there.  So we were admitted for the fourth time still hanging onto the question of "Is he coming or is he ain't." 
      My doctor and next favorite nurse came in early Friday morning.  Sue was my second nurse who admitted me into the hospital when we were 29 weeks along and I was threatened to go into early labor.  She came by every day I was in the hospital at that time and offered nothing but encouragement and support.  I was so excited to see her again.  After further examination by our doctor and sue, they gave us a PLAN!  Our plan was we were going to deliver our baby by 7:00 in the evening.  This was it "He was coming" and we were both shocked.  Our plan was for me to get up, walk and further get my contractions moving.  Once I was dilated to 7cm, my doctor was going to come into break my water and the show would begin...quickly.  

After hearing the PLAN!

The walking began...

...and continued for the next 5 hours with no change.  I went from having rhythmic 2-3 minute painless contractions to nothing.  My body just came to a screeching halt.  No contractions meant no dilation.  But fortunately my doctor and Sue were determined to get this show moving.  He came and broke my water at 3:30 pm and I recieved a walking epidural shortly after.  The plan from there was that breaking my water was going to throw my body into a quick full blown labor and we would be seeing our baby quickly.  But after receiving the mild walking epidural, my body made no change...SURPRISE!  After 30 minutes of no change, Sue went on the hunt for our doctor.  Our doctor came into our room at 4:45 and said that in all of his years of practice, I was by far his most unpredictable patient.  Our plan from there was to start me on a small dose of pitocin to induce full blown labor.  At 5:00, the pitocin went in and by 5:10 I felt the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.  The first painful contraction.  After experiencing two contractions, I informed Sue that I needed to be converted to a full blown epidural.  She was on it and within minutes the anthesiologist was getting it ready.  Unfortunately I was progressing so quickly that he couldn't catch up, and before I knew it, our doctor was in place and it was time to deliver.  I gave one great push and pulled out our second son Mason Joel Lynn at 5:42 pm of February 1st.     

Mason Joel Lynn
February 1, 2013 at 5:42 pm
6lbs 6 oz
19.7 inches long

First bath

pooped out after bath

Going home!

   The days following the delivery of Mason was filled with celebration.  Celebration for the sweet and strong baby boy who needed no extra assistance or care even though he was premature.  Celebration for no more bed rest or gestational diabetes.  But more than anything celebration to our God for his faithfulness and provision.  It was him who carried us through a difficult and stressful situation and it was him who granted us the strength to fully rely on him in a way that has changed us for the better during that season. I have learned that it was him who loved me first and has blessed me with such a strong and wonderful husband and two beautiful boys.  

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